Welcome to the Kreppert Kompusport Software's Data Entry website. This site is designed for entering competitors into different sporting events.
If you are a member of a team at the Grade School, Jr. High, High School, College or Club level, your coach will enter you into the sporting event as a member of their team. If you plan to participate as an Unattached athlete
(an athlete who is not part of a team) at one of these events, you will need to enter yourself in that event.  Note however that not all sporting events allow Unattached athletes to participate. You should contact the
event's Meet Manager if you have any questions regarding this issue.
Results will not be posted on this website. Please visit our other website at www.kompusport.com for all the results that we post.
This website should work with most browsers. If you experience a problem, please let us know, and provide what bowser and version you are using.
Tired of mailing signed entry forms to the Meet Manager? Digital Signatures known as Kompu-Sign Signatures are now here. Not sure what a digital signature is or how it works? Click here for more details.
First Time Visitor?
If you are a first time visitor, please read our instructions page.
Hosting an Event?
Are you hosting a sporting event? Review our hosting page to find out how to obtain rosters and/or entries from this site.
Our Mission
To be the leader of quality timing, scoring, stats and results for athletics through computer softare, hardware and services.
Contact Information
- Telephone
(630) 882-2364
- Postal address
P.O. Box 448
Yorkville, IL 60560
- Electronic mail
General Information: info@kompusport.com
Sales: info@kompusport.com
Customer Support: support@kompusport.com
Technical Support: support@kompusport.com
Owner: fred@kompusport.com
Send mail to fred@kompusport.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2001-2025 Kreppert Kompusport Software (www.kompusport.net)
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